You’ll Receive All The Necessary Skills & Tips To Help You Pass Your Driving Test on The First Try!





Driving school Greensborough

Driving Lessons in Greensborough

Northway driving school Greensborough providing driving lessons in GreensboroughBundoora and other nearby suburbs. Enroll today in our driving courses with a professional driving instructor. We help build your driving skills, driving experience to become a safer driver. We offers the learner driver the opportunity to experience a variety of road conditions. The roads and streets in  offers easy and complex driving lessons.
Northway Driving School operates throughout the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne. We will help you to to increase your driving abilities and prepare you for the driving test. When our learner drivers are ready for the driving test most pass successfully.
Driving School Lessons
driving lessons pricelist melbourne

Northway Driving Lessons Pricelist

Northway Driving School has one of the best competitive driving lesson pricing in Melbourne.

Single lesson Pricelist

45 Minutes Lesson


Pay as you go, pre-booked driving lessons

60 Minutes Lesson


Pay as you go, pre-booked driving lessons

90 Minutes Lesson


Pay as you go, pre-booked driving lessons

Driving Test


Pay as you go, pre-booked driving lessons

Driving Licence Test Passes

Greensborough Driving Lessons Online Booking Form

Thank you for choosing Northway Driving School for your driving lessons and driver education.

This is an advance date driving lessons booking form.

Please enter all fields with your details and someone from our office will contact you to verify your preferred date and time.

Thank you!

Online Booking Form
